The blamed Vinod Kumar was secured on August 24 and shipped off legal guardianship from that point forward.

Exceptional Appointed authority, Energize Road Courts, Sanjeev Kumar Malhotra, on Monday, truly bail to the charged on outfitting an individual bond in the amount of Rs 25,000 with one guarantee of like sum.

Noticing that the candidate is in legal guardianship since August 24 and the proclamation of complainant under Cr.P.C. Area 164 has proactively been recorded, the court said in the request that his custodial cross examination isn’t needed.

The 54-year-old MCD official was captured by the counter defilement branch while he was purportedly taking kickbacks measure of Rs 10,000 from the complainant.

Legal advisor Namit Saxena, showing up for the blamed, contended that no proof of any interest was being made in regards to the supposed pay off, and that the care was outlandish.

As per the grumbling documented by RK Puram occupant Asif Khan, Kumar and someone else were bothering him to offer an incentive of Rs 10,000 every month for running a car mechanics shop on the pathway in RK Puram Area 7.