How Much Time Does Deer Processing Require? 

Deer processing is quite time-consuming; the bigger the deer, the more time required to process it. Time required for a deer to be processed also depends upon what size of meat you want. If you want your meat to be processed in a grinded form, it will take more time and money. 

How Should I Get My Deer Processed? 

It depends upon what kind of dish you are cooking or what kind of chef you are. 

If you don’t want to make a dish that requires fine pieces of meat, get it processed in small parts. If your budget is low and you want to save money, you can get your deer processed yourself. However, as you are not used to it, you may face some difficulties, but it will be worth it and save you a lot of time and money.

Steps Involved In The Processing Of Deer: 

Here is a list of all the steps involved in processing a deer. Deer processing is a tricky task; it requires quite a  time and labour.

1. Hunting:

Hunting for a deer is not an easy task. One should have a piece of proper knowledge about animal hunting. Hunting animals requires a lot of patience and concentration. Hunter has to wait for hours and hours to get the right shot. 

2. Skinning The Deer:

Skinning a deer is tough, but if done correctly, one can easily take off the skin. Firstly the deer is hung upside down, then several cuts are made, and the skin is torn apart. After the skin removal, the deer is washed thoroughly and undergoes sterilization and decontamination.

3. Sterilization Of Meat And Tools: 

The next step in processing deer is sterilization of deer and the tools required for cutting the meat. This is a crucial step as the contaminants in the meat or tools may spoil the meat later. Before proceeding with a deer, the surface where the deer has to be cut is cleaned, then the utensils used for cutting and keeping the meat are Sterilized, and finally, the meat Should be cleaned properly. This step is mandatory as the contaminants present in the environment may grow and later spoil the meat.

4. Trimming Of Fat: 

This step is quite difficult, as it is hard to figure out where is fat and where is meat. Taking out the right amount of fat from the deer will give you a much better taste of meat when you cook it. Taking out all of the fat will affect the meat’s taste, as fat adds a good taste to the meal. So if you want your deer’s meat to be delicious, leave some fat.

5. Packing The Meat: 

Packing a lump of meat requires a lot of labour; if the processed deer is not packed properly, it may result in some freezer damage. You can keep the processed deer for a month in your freezer without worrying about it getting spoiled.

What Are The Benefits Of Processing A Deer On My Own? 

Processing a deer requires a lot of knowledge and labour. You can Process a deer on your own if you have the proper knowledge and tools. Here are some of the major benefits of processing the deer by yourself.

By processing a deer yourself, you can save much time and moneyYou can cut it the way you wantYou can maintain full hygieneYou can save extra meat by cutting every part if possible.


Now we have learnt ‘Deer Processing Cost’, To get processed, an average-sized deer may cost around $100 to $200. The cost of deer processing generally depends upon the size of the deer and the location where you want it to be delivered. You can get your deer processed by customizing the cutting yourself. If you want to save money, you can process a deer on your own, but before that, you’ll need some knowledge and a lot of tools.

Should I process my deer just after skinning?

Ans) No, you can leave it hanging upside down if you have a cool place or the temperature is cool.

How long should deer be left before gutting? 

Ans) According to the famous old bowhunter’s rule, you should wait about eight to twelve hours 

before gutting.

Why is the hanging deer upside down just after the killing?

Ans) During the deer processing, the deer is hung upside down just after killing to drain out the blood of the deer.

Should I take out the skin just after killing the deer? 

Ans) yes, the skin should be removed right away after killing so that the meat can get some time to cool.