Dauntless by Phoenix Labs just released for the Nintendo Switch, and many new players are getting into this free-to-play MMO. The goal in Dauntless is simple: you and up to three of your friends gear up your slayers, drop into a large arena, and slay a massive behemoth. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?

It’s a familiar concept to gamers who’ve played the Monster Hunter series but it won’t always play out the way you hope. With this beginner’s guide, you’ll be up and slaying beasts as fast as your internet will allow you.

Choose Your Weapon

Dauntless unlocks almost every weapon type immediately after the tutorial and you should absolutely try them all. Every weapon feels and plays uniquely. Hammers will stun behemoths and give massive damage, but are slower to wield than the much more versatile swords.

It’s important to find the best weapon to fit your play style. Do you enjoy getting up close, hitting fast and running away? The Chain Blades are a great option. Or are you a gamer who wants to keep your distance and hit the right spots? Then the Repeaters would be the right choice for you. Whatever you choose, it’s important to get a feeling for each weapon type and balance that with your play style.

Understanding Damage

All damage is not created equal and in Dauntless when you attack a behemoth the damage numbers will show up in different colors. Distinguishing these colors is an important part of being a slayer and will help you on you journey to tame the mighty beasts.

  • Green numbers represent normal damage, they lower the overall health of the behemoth. Blue numbers are for stagger damage. Continuous blows to a behemoth’s head will cause them to stagger and collapse, opening a window for your team to attack without repercussions. Generally, this is utilized by blunt weapons or when you hit a behemoth at the right moment during one of its special attacks. (Hint: look for the little red squiggles above its head) Yellow numbers are parts damage. Do enough damage to one of the behemoths limbs and it will break off, dropping some sweet loot orbs, and staggering the beast slightly. Red numbers represent wound damage. Attacking with enough wound damage to a beast causes a debuff to be applied. This allowing your team to deal increased damage throughout the fight. Weapons that utilize piercing will cause wound damage.

Understanding and utilizing the different types of damage is an essential part to taking down behemoths, especially those in the higher tiers.

Learn to Love The Dodge Button

It seems like such an obvious thing, but you’d be surprised how many new players simply run at the behemoths and start mashing the attack buttons. Dauntless is all about finessing the kill and to do that you need to learn to dodge first and attack second. Get out of the way and then wait for the right moments to get in and strike, especially if you’re utilizing a heavier, slower weapon.

Take a Moment to Smell The Roses

Before every hunt, you’re dropped into these large areas filled with different terrains, cliffsides, and plant life, many of which you can pick to craft potions later on. It’s important to take a moment before going to find the behemoth and pick these plants, or mine some ore. When you’re in the hub world of Ramsgate you can take all the things you’ve collected and craft useful items for future hunts. From healing potions to team buffs, it’s essential to enter every battle fully stocked and loaded!

All in all, Dauntless is a massive game, filled with many beasts to kill, potions to make, and armor to craft. Taking on these behemoths with your friends is one of the most enjoyable things you can do. And the free price tag is a sure-fire way to get anyone into the game. Good luck slayers, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

More: Dauntless Review: Low Stakes Monster Hunting